I've had similar issues with meds. When I was a teen and heard that "you may be on them for the rest of your life" I pretty much bolted and stopped taking them altogether. I wasn't ready for that kind of news. That it made me hopelessly messed up. But now I'm on meds again. And it still bugs me sometimes because I feel like "normal" people can do just fine without it. But if my chemicals are messed up, I can't just will them into submission.
Just think of it as two parts. It's not all chemical. The meds help keep the chemicals in order so you can do the heavy lifting in terms of getting your emotions sorted out. It's a tool, just like any other. You aren't less of a person if, say, you have high blood pressure and have to take meds at all times to get your body evened out. Once you regulate the blood pressure you are then more free to tackle everything else. It's not a failing of yours to treat your body's imbalances (whether in the body or the brain) and secure your better health. It's more a failing not to, because then you're not giving your body the respect it deserves.