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I don't understand |
I don't understand
· 21 years, 2 months ago
Are you still seeing a counselor or therapist?� Have you considered group therapy? Depression is complicated stuff.� Trusting the rest of the world to "understand" what's really going on may be a recipe for disaster.� I'm not a professional, obviously, so the best I can do is listen.� Which, btw, I'm willing to do. There may be some truth to the "try to be happy" advice.� One thing that marriage counselors recommend for couples in trouble is that they clamp down on the negative things they say to each other: no name calling, no guilt tripping, etc.� It works, because they are retraining their feelings/minds/whatever to respect each other again.� Interesting idea, in any event. It might help, too, to not categorize every thought or action as "good" or "bad" or "happy" or "depressing."� How that works, well, heck if I know. Wish I had a real "answer" for you.� :/� But I don't. You must first create an account to post.
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