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Geek TV
Not the surgery stuff? *shudder* that stuff freaks me out. I accidentally flip onto it and I go insane. :) Yay someone else watches it! I'm so getting a crush on the non-moustachio-ed one. :)
of course the surgery stuff! I dunno why, but I've always been fascinated by medical stuff. Too bad I hate school, I might've been an okay doctor. I at least wouldn't have been a complete expletive ASS like the rest of them.
I'm the only person I know that *misses* the Operation Channel...on the plus side I think I could probably perform a reasonably competent laproscopic splenectomy...
Um. I know the likelihood of this being an issue is slim. But I'd just like to state for the record if I'm around you and happen to be unconscious...*please* do not practice this on me as a hobby. :) Because truly, I'd trust you with a lot of things...but my spleen probably isn't one of them. :)
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