Life can be frustrating, stressful, and all kinds of yuckky bad things, but recently i realized that it doesn't have to be that way, life can be all kinds of good as well.� You will never find the good side while using i.v. drugs, or any drugs for that matter.� I don't know if you actually are using them, if not, don't start.� I used heroin for years, and looking back they truly were the shittiest years of my life.� Not only did I lose some close friends either from my drug habit, or because they over-dosed, and died, but�i have nothing to show for�all that pleasant numbness except for some faded�trak marks, and some stories that not only do I not want to remember, but I doubt anyone would want to hear.� Don't do that to yourself, it's really really not worth it.� Send me a Fru-message if you want to chat eh?