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· 21 years, 7 months ago
when I entered this entry it actually said something but when I looked at it before logging off it said nothing. dude.
so here goes.... I was in a wedding this weekend. I was the maid of honor. the dress was okay (pics later maybe) but the shoes?! 4 inch heels! this for a person who only ever wears birks and sneakers? are you insane?! yes, the bride is insane. and it was outside so if i spent any amount of time in one place I started to slowly sink into the ground. so i tried to keep moving... and they made me wear make up. and they made my hair all pretty -like. multiple people at the reception asked me if I was that red headed girl from Six Feet Under (HBO). no I'm not a tv star but thanks for playing. anyway it was weird. I had multiple duties as the maid of honor. help the photographer, keep brides maids from getting drunk... *cough* the DJ kept forgetting my name... "now dawn (brides maid) and ... the ... maid of honor (croud yells "her name is zilpha") ... and the... zilpha will go around and collect your money" money for the bride and groom... they pretended to kidnap the grooma dn then they needed ransom to get him back. aka another way to get more money out of your guests. so i went around to get money. a dosons creek look alike van der boob guy asked me with a suggestive grin where he should put his dollar. I told him to shove it up his ass. then i proseeded to get plastered. indeed. it seemed appropriate seeing as the brides mum had offered to pick up my tab. rock. I was the only on of the bridal party who didn't have a date *glares at ohio* in attendance. and a few guests bugged me about where my man was. fuckers. Heh. I've often thought you looked a lot like the girl from six feet under. Some of your profile pics very much so. I didn't expect a campare and contrast session on the matter ;-) it gives my ego a good pumping though. I think it could use it. *hugs* the pics were taken by a professional photographer too... a couple candids, but a lot more posed ones.� heehee he kept having to tell me not to hold my flowers like a club/baseball bat. :-D
Can't wait to see pretty Zilpha in her bride's maid dress!
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