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Guerilla Diet |
Guerilla Diet
Melinda J. Beasi
· 21 years, 10 months ago
I need to do this... except all I'd have to do is pin up a picture of me NOW. I am at my heaviest and I HATE it. I have made a vow that the dieting starts after my birthday. I made Paul promise to help. I just hate feeling this way about myself.
So yeah. Just expressing solidarity. :)
Sorry for that title, by the way. I was having trouble posting. :)
Yes...it is very important to have your partner in on it with you. You can't make it if they aren't supportive. e.g. If they offer you food a lot when they know you shouldn't have it, if they complain when you aren't eating the same thing as them, etc.
There needs to be an understanding that sometimes you can't eat when they eat. Or sometimes you need to fix separate meals. It's especially hard when the two have opposite dietary needs. (I know many couples where one needs/wants to lose and the other really needs to gain.) It makes things very difficult. But with the right support, it can be easier. I know how it feels to hate what your body has become. Many of us (and I think you're like me in this) don't want to be perfect and skinny. We just want to take enough of it off that we don't feel so wrong. So we can be more comfortable in our skins. I'm OK being a big girl. I always have been and always will be on the large side. But I want to rein it in. heh... I've done the same kind of thing... I didn't think I was THAT thin when I was in the hospital, but then I saw a photo from christmas... WTF and I looked like death. I was so pale that I seemed translucent and I looked like a bunch of twigs bundled together in a tank top. gag. *sigh* lately I have been gaining at a pretty good rate. I'm well over danger range, but I'm starting to feel... like I'm to big. logicaly I know I'm not, but would someone please tell my mind that? it has shite for brains.
I'd rather have my zil with extra flesh than to have her with too little. Don't worry about anything but making sure you're healthy. Be healthy and the rest will work itself out. There's no such thing as too much zil to hug, but there's definitely a great loss if there's NO zil to hug.
Ditto on that. I'm looking forward to Zil hugs as well come July.
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