Have you tried not dieting? I lost tons of weight just by changing the way I eat. I became conscious of how many calories were in food. I found that there were a lot of ways to kill calories without giving up what I actually want. For instance: if I have a sweet tooth, I could satisfy it with either a couple of those little debbie snacky cakes (300 calories), pop tarts (400+ calories) or a few non pareils (~50 calories). Veggie burgers are a big win over regular burgers, too, and are way yummy. :) Controlling portions helps a ton, too. For instance, one cup of pasta is exactly how much I want. But if I make more than that, I'll usually eat it just to get it out of the way.
I've never met anyone who "dieted" and kept it off. I think the real solution is to just change the way you eat. Don't give up what you like, just control it and be aware of it.
Yeah weight watchers' system is actually more like that. It's not about depriving yourself it's about finding lower point (or less calorie if it helps to align the ideas) options for things you enjoy--that are still enjoyable. I lost over 30 pounds with the system before, I just fell off the wagon when I started dating a great cook and couldn't control my intake or portions very well anymore. :)
The weight watchers system is geared more towards a life-change like you say...find different options, watch portions, but don't starve or deprive yourself. They don't just give you a maximum to eat each day, there's also a minimum because if you don't at least eat a certain amount your body rebels.
So I think we're roughly talking about the same thing. :)
· 21 years, 11 months ago
I'm glad to hear someone doing things the right way. I tend to do things the wrong way... but it makes me happy to see people doing what I wish I could. it kind of gives me hope... like if you can eat right then I can eat healthfuly. rock. I think we can both do it. girl power and all that jazz. :-) *hugs*
I know you realize on an intellectual level that the way you go about the weight issues is unhealthy and won't work...I just wish you could realize it on an emotional level. *hugs*
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