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Images not loading on the net.
So, this is pervasive as hell, and I'm not hearing ANYTHING about it.
Since last Thursday, 2/20, I (and many others in the NE) have been having problems being unable to load images. It does not seem to be ISP or platform specific.
I have the same issue here at work (RCN network) that I have at home (AT&T network) and becca has it in VT (Network unknown)
Has happened on XP, 2000 pro, 98 and NT.
The only constant, thus far, is that I've ONLY seen it happen on windows machines.... which is not to say that it's not on mac, just that I haven't seen it.
Anyone else got any insight?
I was having that until yesterday. I seems to have been clearing up around here at least. Still, for something as big as it is, I'm amazed that nothing's been said...
I haven't had any problems at home or at work. I'm wondering if it is perhaps some sort of virus? Do you ever share files between home and work?
I was thinking that too... but there aren't any files I share between here and work aside from jpgs.
and... if it WERE a virus, it's still odd that no one has mentioned it, and that the virus checkers don't catch it.
we had it last week, too. we use at&t, my computer has 98 and neal's has xp. it's been fine since friday or so, tho.
I'm having that problem too, but only in IE. Netscape still loads images fine.
I been having that problem for a long time. It started with IE5.0 and moved up to IE6.0.
It happens at school too (I thought it was my ad blocker but it seems that images stop loading at a certain point and then I have to reboot.)
On the 20th, I was having a few problems, mainly with Weather Underground thumbnails. Since then I haven't had any troubles. I'm in Ohio, and use Linux / Phoenix.
I heard there was a big fiber cut out east that day. I'd think the routing would have caught up with that by now, though.
yup, i've been having that problem too. goody, i thought it was just my pooter. :D everything's been really sort of slow the past few days, and a lot of the time pictures haven't wanted to load at all. :P i've noticed it doesn't depend on the time of day either, it can be good or bad both morning and afternoon. if that makes any sense at all :)
I disabled my "active desktop," (specifically, unclick the "view as webpage" option) and it seems to have helped. Images are loading consistently now, though sometimes a bit slow. I don't know if I actually fixed it or if it was a coincidence...but I'm not complaining.
Alright... right now.. here's the deal.
If I go into the forums... keeps working fine.
I go into "Random Drivel" ... keeps working fine.
I go into "Decorating your car"... and images stop working.
I have to close the browser windows, reopen.. and it starts working again... until I go to that particular forum thread again.
Can someone else try this to verify? I verified it on three seperate workstations here at work.
it seems to be chrissiek's <img> things she linked in. it's hanging on grilled-cheese.org on MSIE. i minimized those messages and it seems to be better now. funky.
my server is hanging things up?
I still have problems on almost every webpage I visit for months.
I doubt that. I've been having this problem randomly for weeks now and I can get to chrissie's site just fine.
Just checked and I have the same problem as Nate in that thread, but only in IE. In Phoenix, all of the images load perfectly.
Most of the time Nate, I have to reboot my computer to get the images to work.
I'll go to one page and it will be fine...I'll keep moving and then all of a sudden no images appear.
For me, if I close all IE windows and reopen, it starts again.
Today, it was just that one thread causing it to stop working... and... it's still causing it to stop working.
The change josh made didn't do anything.
(at least, for me.)
Considering that the only people I know who are having this problem are fruheads who are on FHDC..... I'm starting to wonder if perhaps it's a clash between josh's code and IE....
Especially since it only happens in IE..... I can MAKE it happen by opening certain parts of FHDC.... etc.
So far, I have verified that the following threads all break IE.
Under Other Music
"worst band names"
Under Frucon Discussion:
"need the info"
Under Random Drivel:
"decorating your car"
"Your Favorite Mister Rogers Memory"
Under Newbie Introductions:
"New forum for newbies!"
Hm, interesting theory. Come to think of it, I didn't have any problems until I decided to really hang around here a lot. Could FHDC be broken? :(
And it seems to mostly freeze and hoark at Songbill and Erika's icons.
And, as paul pointed out.. Erika's icon is significantly larger than other people's .... though I don't know why that would make a difference.
paul also said that the icons aren't saved for the web so it's adding something extra in from making it in Photoshop 7.
Also songbill's icon is the same as well.
The answer seems to lie in this post: Browser Problems Caused by Photoshop 7 JPEG images
If you are using Photoshop 7, save your .jpg images with the "Save for Web" function or otherwise change "Image Previews" to "Never Save" under the File Handling section of Preferences.
so I can be UNMINIMIZED now since my photos are saved in Photoshop 5.5 as "save for web"?
The current poll threw my IE off because of the avatars from the people we were talking about who are using PS7.
Yeah, Josh can you let Songbill and Akirem know that they need to fix their icons? Or you could just load them and resave them or something.
Songbill and Akirem? If you're reading this, you need to fix your icons. ;)
i think i'll just blast them and have them reload. i think they added them awhile ago - i recently added code that auto-scales images, so any funky metadata would get thrown out now anyway.
Arrggghhh...I'm having widespread image loading problems again. Here, Beasi.net, TVguide, google, diaryland...anywhere.
Hate the internet. *pout*
But at work it's fine. Guess Cox is just being mean to me at home.
No it's the images of two avatars that are causing problems in IE for everyone. Once you close IE and then reopen it, you're okay as long as you don't go to the thread on FHDC.
Once you hit one PS7 jpeg/xml bomb, you're screwed until you close all IE windows and relaunch.
haven't had any problems since those folks causing problems had their avatars removed.
I love how almost all the responses are useless....
They neglect to address the issue... or, worse, recommend mozilla.
I *still* have this happen sometimes on sites where the webmaster wasn't smart enough to fix it, like josh was.
I think it's happening on one journal site.
People are making icons and they aren't uploading to the server because they are too big when really it might be the extra headers.
Also I've had one girl complain that she visits a site and says "it only happens here." Well if you have newbie icon makers not using "save for web," then maybe it will freeze the browser.
Nate: how would you have addressed the issue? Save images in a different way? That's a solution for web designers, not end-users. I'd still recommend Firebird as the ultimate fix for Joe Webbrowser. MSIE is stagnant. I don't think they've even fixed this yet. FIrebird is simply a better browser and is less prone to bugs like this (and when they're discovered, they're usually fixed quickly).
</browserwar> :-)
Why is Joe User using Photoshop 7? If you can afford Photoshop, you can learn how to use it.
> Why is Joe User using Photoshop 7?
Joe User isn't using Photoshop. Joe User is browsing websites using images created by Jack Hacker using Photoshop and getting frustrated because his browser keeps dying. Telling Jack Hacker how to save Photoshop files correctly will fix 0.0001% of the broken images on the net. Telling Joe User how to save Photoshop files correctly will only elicit blank stares. :)
You got it! :)
Try to tell someone how to save a file.
"What do you mean? I used save as!"
How would I have addressed the issue? Well, if I worked for Adobe, and was in the position to control quality, I'd have them not release an obviously untested product.
· 21 years, 5 months ago
Umm... The problem is not that Adobe Photoshop is producing JPEG graphics that are exact to specifications. The problem is that Microsoft is not correctly supporting the JPEG specification.
Embrace, Extend, Extinguish. That's the Microsoft was of dealing with standards.
But yeah, if someone else could produce a browser that was as quick and compatable, I'd be using it.
I have both mozilla and firebird installed.... and rarely use either.
(Though, I did try only using mozilla for 2 weeks..)
It just doesn't compare.... yet.... I have faith that it will, in time, though.
Alright, since I know the question is coming... I just downloaded and installed the latest version of Firebird.
(It doesn't even have an installer... which, no, doesn't bother me... but is just another impediment to it being in widespread use.)
So, for the next week, I will be using only that.
I shall let ya'll know what I think.
So far...
Doesn't mark links as read after going to them.
Such as messages in the masslive forums
Anyone know how to fix that?
· 21 years, 5 months ago
They're marked read for me. Must just be you.
so it's a glitch in the browser?
Wait, I should clarify.
Not the forum links themselves... I mean individual posts, when you're reading a specific forum.
· 21 years, 5 months ago
Installer is on its way... should be here soon.
Still doesn't exist, though.
Well, it's official... I have switched completely to Firebird for my browser, and I would suggest ya'll do the same.
The only problems I've had are:
1. Can't use online banking.
2. A couple random sites work in IE and not Firebird due to plugin problems I was unable to fix.
I have too
Although, I haven't had a problem with paying my credit card online (which is all the banking I do there).
Still, I have IE in reach if I ever need it.
But Firebird's just so much better.
· 21 years, 4 months ago
Welcome to the dark side, Nate. Err... the light side. Err... which side of the duct tape is the less sticky side? ;-)
Some sites are not enlightened enough to allow for the use of other browsers for on-line banking. Which bank, if I may ask? Does it specifically say "Your browser is t3h sux0r and isn't allowed here", or is it actually failig to work correctly? Either way we can file a bug report and send it over to the Mozilla Evagelism group to work on.
In many cases, you can grab an extension that will allow you to change Firebird's Agent-identifier string so it makes other servers think you're using IE. Then you'll just pop into their website without any problem.
Ahh.. actually, good thing you asked!
It gives a "you are using an unsupported browser" message, but then down below, has a "continue anyway" button.
w00t w00t!
No longer a problem. :)
aha, see... that's proper design. tell them it's unsupported, but allow the user to try.
the worst thing is when you try to email the draconian ones - "Well, my browser is completely standards compliant, so unless you're using ActiveX controls, I'll be able to look at your site just fine, if only you'd let me." and they always say "You can download internet explorer at....." they never understand what I'm asking.
And again, I agree with lawrence.... does anyone else notice that the universe is crumbling?
Ok. You guys win.
Downloaded firebird last night, and it's working a lot better than IE was. All the problems I was having online don't seem to be there in this. It just seems to be a better browser.
Yeah, seconded.
So far, I'm really impressed with it.
A few small things to get used to.. . but otherwise, very nice!
A common criticism is that, while the browser itself is faster than IE, it starts up slower. This is because IE is always in memory whether you're using it or not. If you have a good amount of memory, you can do the same to Firebird. It's in the menus somewhere. It'll pop up in no time. Whee.
· 21 years, 4 months ago
Actually, no, not anymore. Quick Launch has been disabled in 0.7. See bug 217026. You're just going to have to sck up and deal without having it.
see, I'd noticed that, but just figured it was another sign of my computer's slow death ;-)
It's actually nice to know that it's just part of the program.
And it's not really that slow to start. It just seems long compared to IE
It randomly stops working every few days..... no pattern... but I have to close it out and restart it.
Kinda annoying.
Don't get me wrong... I'm far too much of a fan to go back to IE... (converted my hausmate, even)... but, still.... it's a pain in the ass, since I never had to do that in IE.
Usually the symptoms are that it stops loading images.
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