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Post Poster Thread Date
[No Subject]elfy, teacher of manyGBS unhurt after bus crashFeb 9, 2006
Yupelfy, teacher of manyRotary PhonesOct 20, 2005
Personalizing your computerelfy, teacher of manyPersonalizing your computerSep 8, 2005
Rosencrantz and guildensten momentelfy, teacher of manyWhat is your oldest memorySep 1, 2005
Colossuselfy, teacher of manySexiest Characters in Literatu...Aug 12, 2005
[No Subject]elfy, teacher of manySexiest Characters in Literatu...Aug 12, 2005
just a little gizmo raveelfy, teacher of manyMP3 PlayerMay 1, 2005
DC Borders In-Storeelfy, teacher of manyNeed a little help...Mar 25, 2005
...elfy, teacher of ?Jan 24, 2005 ?elfy, teacher of ?Jan 21, 2005
poor treeselfy, teacher of manyHow Many Harry Potter Books ha...Jan 21, 2005
FIVE, because of this poemelfy, teacher of manyHow much of Pi do you know?Jan 2, 2005
...elfy, teacher of manyWhat kind of body mods do you ...Dec 19, 2004
three extra holeselfy, teacher of manyWhat kind of body mods do you ...Dec 19, 2004
troubledelfy, teacher of manyGooglewacksDec 9, 2004
all the leaves are brownelfy, teacher of manyGood songs for fall/ winter.Oct 22, 2004
just a red herringelfy, teacher of manywith a tub of vaseliiiiiiineOct 16, 2004
Talk Like a Pirate Day!elfy, teacher of manyTalk Like a Pirate Day!Sep 19, 2004
It came from nowhereelfy, teacher of manyAdopted sayingsAug 27, 2004
Good source of Ironelfy, teacher of manybroccoli anyone?Aug 1, 2004
Post Poster Thread Date
galileo and todayelfy, teacher of manyReligionJul 8, 2004
religion or ethics or morals?elfy, teacher of manyReligionJul 5, 2004
Here we go...elfy, teacher of manyUnusual NamesJul 4, 2004
Lush in NYCelfy, teacher of manyLush in NYCJul 4, 2004
newbie???elfy, teacher of manyLush in NYCJul 1, 2004
newbie???elfy, teacher of manyLush in NYCJul 1, 2004
Mmmmmmmmm Lushelfy, teacher of manyLush in NYCJul 1, 2004
Mmmmmmmmm Lushelfy, teacher of manyLush in NYCJul 1, 2004
UPDATEelfy, teacher of manyUnusual NamesJun 30, 2004
Here we go...elfy, teacher of manyUnusual NamesJun 28, 2004
NOT "hope, faith, charity"elfy, teacher of manyUnusual NamesJun 28, 2004
wow, it was even when i postedelfy, teacher of manyHeads or Tails?May 26, 2004
ook ookelfy, teacher of manyWhich Olsen Twin is more talen...May 3, 2004
and . .elfy, teacher of manyHow do you feel about masturba...Apr 15, 2004
can I try to clarify?elfy, teacher of manyQuestion GameMar 21, 2004
want cookieelfy, teacher of manyHow many times have you been h...Feb 27, 2004
Tomatoeselfy, teacher of manycast iron (foodie help!)Feb 21, 2004
Awwwww......elfy, teacher of manyYoungest FruheadFeb 19, 2004
after reading the articleelfy, teacher of manyIn Praise of ChocolateFeb 19, 2004
quirky sayings.......elfy, teacher of manyyour own quirky expressionsFeb 17, 2004
Post Poster Thread Date
Malt-based beverageselfy, teacher of manyGuinness?Feb 16, 2004
no FAIR!elfy, teacher of manyJian for Governor General!Feb 10, 2004
Lowest Highest Pointelfy, teacher of manyLowest Highest PointFeb 6, 2004
Lowest Highest Pointelfy, teacher of manyLowest Highest PointFeb 4, 2004
Lisaelfy, teacher of manyWhich Simpson's character are ...Jan 29, 2004
your own quirky expressionselfy, teacher of manyyour own quirky expressionsJan 29, 2004
It is the songelfy, teacher of manymost annoying song?Jan 27, 2004
So what IS it?elfy, teacher of manyMystery object -- what is it?Jan 18, 2004
I went through an American hating phase....elfy, teacher of manyWhy is America Hated?Jan 17, 2004
what I want to know is ...elfy, teacher of manyFru to save the world?Jan 17, 2004
H2G2 Cast News.elfy, teacher of manyRandom Thoughts IVJan 15, 2004
nailbiting in remission (for now)elfy, teacher of manyI'm new here but definitely no...Jan 12, 2004
Darwin Awardselfy, teacher of manyHow Stupid can People BeJan 10, 2004
Vancouver and suburbselfy, teacher of manyRegional Movie Tix PricesJan 9, 2004
New here...just in time for the new year...elfy, teacher of manyNew here...just in time for th...Jan 2, 2004
note: these aren't my favourites, just h...elfy, teacher of manyChristmas FilmsDec 20, 2003
Things to do in a theatre when watching ...elfy, teacher of manyThings to do in a theatre when...Dec 20, 2003
bringing tears to my eyeselfy, teacher of manyMost depressing song ever?Oct 10, 2003
Stores that should know betterelfy, teacher of manygrammar whores unite!Oct 10, 2003
BANISHED WORDS AND PHRASESelfy, teacher of manygrammar whores unite!Oct 10, 2003
Post Poster Thread Date
there is no spoonelfy, teacher of manyWhich FruLad = which Ben&Jerry...Sep 9, 2003
Discover your inner Geekinesselfy, teacher of manyDiscover your inner GeekinessJul 5, 2003
Sing along songselfy, teacher of manyTop 50 Driving SongsJul 4, 2003
go choir fetishism!elfy, teacher of manyDo you love backrubs?Jul 4, 2003
why, since you asked...elfy, teacher of manydo you feel you would be able ...Jun 10, 2003
scrollingelfy, teacher of manyRandom ThoughtsJun 7, 2003
mystery boxelfy, teacher of manyExcluding Frucon and FRFF how ...Jun 4, 2003
?elfy, teacher of manyRandom ThoughtsJun 2, 2003
raceelfy, teacher of manyRandom ThoughtsJun 2, 2003
asseselfy, teacher of manyRandom ThoughtsJun 2, 2003
santa clauseelfy, teacher of manyRandom ThoughtsJun 2, 2003
blonde smurfetteelfy, teacher of manyRandom ThoughtsJun 2, 2003
Blechelfy, teacher of!!May 29, 2003
Other!elfy, teacher of manyif you were a type of cheese, ...May 21, 2003
gruyere goodnesselfy, teacher of manyif you were a type of cheese, ...May 21, 2003
Albums you are ashamed not to ownelfy, teacher of manyAlbums you are ashamed not to ...Apr 30, 2003
...elfy, teacher of manyDo you have a "green thumb"?Apr 30, 2003
Nice Option!elfy, teacher of manyCapital punishment?Apr 28, 2003
Other!elfy, teacher of manyWhat's your favorite kind of c...Apr 17, 2003
choosing from a disparate bunch....elfy, teacher of manyWhich is the most difficult to...Apr 1, 2003
Post Poster Thread Date
Oh. My. God.elfy, teacher of manyDo you enjoy the SUSHI?Mar 13, 2003
School Interviewelfy, teacher of manyJob interview questionsMar 11, 2003
House partyelfy, teacher of manyChoice of venue to see your fa...Mar 5, 2003
There's no wayelfy, teacher of manyChoice of venue to see your fa...Mar 5, 2003
I wonder...elfy, teacher of manyJian Update: Peaceniks and War...Feb 28, 2003
No decorationselfy, teacher of manyDecorating your carFeb 28, 2003
Decorating your carelfy, teacher of manyDecorating your carFeb 28, 2003
purple!elfy, teacher of manyWhat's your favorite color?Feb 20, 2003
Why, OH, why?elfy, teacher of manyDo you like the new HTML edito...Feb 19, 2003
my voteelfy, teacher of manyLyric help please!!Feb 18, 2003
FELINE FIESTA!elfy, teacher of manyFELINE FIESTA!Feb 18, 2003
I wouldn't knowelfy, teacher of manyHow can you not know what that...Feb 14, 2003
duran duranelfy, teacher of manyQuestionFeb 14, 2003
poutineelfy, teacher of manyWith what do -you- eat your fr...Feb 14, 2003
vinegar!elfy, teacher of manyWith what do -you- eat your fr...Feb 14, 2003
Questionelfy, teacher of manyQuestionFeb 13, 2003
Too many good combinations, but here's o...elfy, teacher of manySupergroupsFeb 11, 2003
first post!!!elfy, teacher of manyWhat is the correct order of t...Feb 8, 2003
Poll conceptelfy, teacher of manyWould you consider yourself cu...Jan 21, 2003
Magnetic Poetryelfy, teacher of manyMagnetic PoetryJan 21, 2003

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