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Post Poster Thread Date
meeeeeeeeKat KunzFalcon Ridge 2007 PollMay 5, 2007
I'll be the first one to admit...Kat KunzPoll?Oct 31, 2006
why yes...Kat KunzIs your pet really the cutest ...Aug 20, 2006
vote for my kitty?Kat Kunzvote for my kitty?Aug 8, 2006
45-1hrKat KunzHow long do you usually give y...Aug 7, 2006
[No Subject]Kat KunzDo you think that ten days is ...Jul 26, 2006
Budgiedome tentative scheduleKat KunzFalcon Ridge 2006 Schedule is ...Jul 24, 2006
Falcon Ridge WeatherKat KunzFalcon Ridge WeatherJul 18, 2006
Fountains of Wayne on PBS's Soundstage T...Kat KunzFountains of Wayne on PBS's So...Jul 16, 2006
Holy crap, we made it work!Kat KunzFRFF 2006 Attendance PollJul 16, 2006
Better than Semisonic...Kat KunzSongs That Sound AlikeJul 4, 2006
yay for my a cappella group's world tour...Kat KunzWhich foreign city do you most...Jul 4, 2006
Beef TongueKat KunzWhat is the strangest thing yo...Jun 28, 2006
I... don't know?Kat KunzThe World CupJun 18, 2006
Falcon Ridge is GO!!!!!Kat KunzFRFF 2006 Attendance PollJun 18, 2006
What, no one's mentioned TMBG yet?Kat KunzMusic with dance magic!Jun 13, 2006
meeeeeeeKat KunzFRFF 2006 Attendance PollJun 8, 2006
one of the characters is named "kat...Kat KunzWhat is your favorite high sch...Jun 7, 2006
one of the characters is named "kat...Kat KunzWhat is your favorite high sch...Jun 7, 2006
[No Subject]Kat KunzDo you suffer from allergies?May 11, 2006
Post Poster Thread Date
FRFF ScheduleKat KunzFRFF ScheduleMay 6, 2006
TotoroKat KunzWhat is your favorite Hayao Mi...Apr 21, 2006
do it for the children!Kat KunzWhat is your favorite planet?Apr 12, 2006
MacKat KunzWhat is your favorite apple?Mar 7, 2006
MacKat KunzWhat is your favorite apple?Mar 7, 2006
MacKat KunzWhat is your favorite apple?Mar 7, 2006
*throws tantrum*Kat KunzAppel Farm 2006Mar 3, 2006
New Favorite SportKat KunzDid you care about the Olympic...Feb 17, 2006
New Favorite SportKat KunzDid you care about the Olympic...Feb 17, 2006
New Favorite SportKat KunzDid you care about the Olympic...Feb 17, 2006
hey!Kat KunzDid you care about the Olympic...Feb 16, 2006
lotsKat KunzSexiest people in folk musicDec 14, 2005
I swear we had a poll like this once bef...Kat KunzHave you ever broken bones?Dec 11, 2005
I swear we had a poll like this once bef...Kat KunzHave you ever broken bones?Dec 11, 2005
Sexiest people in folk musicKat KunzSexiest people in folk musicDec 11, 2005
Sexiest people in folk musicKat KunzSexiest people in folk musicDec 10, 2005
I lurk...Kat KunzDo you frequent any other onli...Dec 6, 2005
a look insideKat KunzCurrent ear worm?Sep 11, 2005
hmm.Kat KunzCurrent ear worm?Sep 10, 2005
I HATE COMPUTER NOISESKat KunzPersonalizing your computerSep 7, 2005
Post Poster Thread Date
15-30...Kat KunzHow long is your commute to wo...Aug 30, 2005
..Kat KunzSecret marriages to musiciansAug 8, 2005
..Kat KunzSecret marriages to musiciansAug 1, 2005
..Kat KunzSecret marriages to musiciansJul 30, 2005
Thurs. FRFF CD?Kat KunzThurs. FRFF CD?Jul 27, 2005
Thurs. FRFF CD?Kat KunzThurs. FRFF CD?Jul 27, 2005
a smidge of photozKat KunzFRFF 05 picsJul 27, 2005
I use mine at work sometimes...Kat KunzHow many times a year do you r...Jul 5, 2005
seven years...Kat KunzProject Ch-ch-ch-changesJul 3, 2005
seven years...Kat KunzProject Ch-ch-ch-changesJul 3, 2005
w00tKat KunzLast ConcertJun 29, 2005
Acts you want to seeKat KunzActs you want to seeJun 26, 2005
Acts you want to seeKat KunzActs you want to seeJun 26, 2005
john & john!Kat KunzFirst ConcertJun 25, 2005
so far, unanimous for the first album, b...Kat KunzWhat's your favorite Britney S...Jun 24, 2005
frrrrrrrrrrrff!Kat Kunzwho's coming to frff this year...Jun 20, 2005
frrrrrrrrrrrff!Kat Kunzwho's coming to frff this year...Jun 20, 2005
frrrrrrrrrrrff!Kat Kunzwho's coming to frff this year...Jun 18, 2005
Kettle Corn but...Kat KunzWhich of the following carny/f...Jun 18, 2005
frrrrrrrrrrrff!Kat Kunzwho's coming to frff this year...Jun 18, 2005
Post Poster Thread Date
With a Tall German Guy in tow and cookie...Kat Kunzwho's coming to frff this year...Jun 18, 2005
brunch!Kat KunzWhat is your favorite meal?Jun 2, 2005
*sigh*Kat KunzXTC vs. Adam Ant?May 28, 2005
harrumph.Kat KunzXTC vs. Adam Ant?May 27, 2005
hard to answer...Kat KunzHow many times have you broken...May 22, 2005
paper, paper, and more paperKat KunzAre you clutter-y?May 19, 2005
elvis costello?Kat KunzGreatest Hits albums that don'...May 11, 2005
corn mo, anyone?Kat KunzHershey's MiniaturesMay 11, 2005
go arby's!Kat KunzWhat's your favorite fast food...May 9, 2005
16...Kat KunzHow many countries have you be...May 6, 2005
minor league baseball, yo.Kat KunzWhen was the last time you wen...Apr 25, 2005
BlechKat KunzWhat do you do... for a living...Apr 25, 2005
i really suck at owning stuff.Kat KunzWhat artist do you own the mos...Apr 15, 2005
top threeKat KunzWhat artist do you own the mos...Apr 15, 2005
top threeKat KunzWhat artist do you own the mos...Apr 14, 2005
and now for some other fru-content...Kat KunzLet's see fruvous...Apr 12, 2005
one...Kat KunzHow many music festivals do yo...Mar 31, 2005
I own one...Kat KunzHow many vehicles (street lega...Mar 26, 2005
yep!Kat KunzDo you like webcomics?Mar 17, 2005
"other"...Kat KunzWhat concept/activity/non-band...Mar 6, 2005
Post Poster Thread Date
*sigh* where do i start?Kat KunzSo...Hair product?Mar 3, 2005
*sigh* where do i start?Kat KunzSo...Hair product?Mar 2, 2005
...but I like Ruby Red grapefruit juice ...Kat KunzIf you had to choose one, whic...Feb 28, 2005
ikk.Kat KunzHow do you feel about fluoresc...Feb 26, 2005
GoldfingerKat KunzGoldfingerFeb 22, 2005
meee tooooKat KunzWhich band, popular among Fruh...Feb 15, 2005
Food of the GodsKat KunzPeanut Butter?Feb 13, 2005
Girl's Baby Names?Kat KunzGirl's Baby Names?Jan 14, 2005
does this count?Kat KunzFeline AvatarsJan 7, 2005
Funny you should ask...Kat KunzTop Albums of 2004Dec 20, 2004
I don't know what the best one is, but.....Kat KunzTop Albums of 2004Dec 18, 2004
Funny you should ask...Kat KunzTop Albums of 2004Dec 18, 2004
Funny you should ask...Kat KunzTop Albums of 2004Dec 14, 2004
I don't know what the best one is, but.....Kat KunzTop Albums of 2004Dec 14, 2004
Favorite Holiday songs and albumsKat KunzFavorite Holiday songs and alb...Dec 6, 2004
Nellie on the Late Late ShowKat KunzNellie McKayNov 18, 2004
OutdoorsKat KunzDo you wear hats?Nov 6, 2004
forty-five minutes...Kat KunzAmericans, how long did you wa...Nov 2, 2004
i *heart* magazines...Kat KunzMagazinesOct 29, 2004
john sandford's "prey" seriesKat KunzWhat are you reading?Oct 9, 2004

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