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Viewing User: MerciBuckets

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Basic Information

Username: pdMerci
First Visit: Sep 19, 2004
Last Visit: Sun, Sep 19, 2004, 6:20pm
About You:I am a musician who appreciates the free-spirited, clever, whimsical and witty approach which Moxy Fruvous so expertly delivers. I stumbled into music after discovering a career in professional sports was never to be, due largely to ... stumbling into music; the ensuing music-related sports injury was so severe that tunes began to be written at the flick of a wristshot, or a Pele-stylin' bicycle kick on the football pitch. Oh, well, so much for multi-million buck contracts to play children's games and demonstrate expletive lip-reading skills from the penalty box - and onward to uphold the torch of "STARVING ARTIST" (I would have had first dibs on as a domain to document my plight, but alas and alack, I could not afford to do it, because I was a STARVING ARTIST. Man, I can hardly afford to PAY attention these days...). I currently work as an independent in Edmonton, Alberta, with a myriad of daytime jobs to support my family of 3 beautiful children with my lovely wife C.G. I am ever hopeful to bump into any or all of the Fruvous crew at an event near me...

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