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Viewing User: Nicole Stoner

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Basic Information

Nicole Stoner
Username: niki
First Visit: Mar 11, 2000
Last Visit: Wed, Nov 28, 2001, 3:30pm
Location:Cleveland, Ohio
About You:I first got into Fruvous after my sister, Christina, saw them play in Bowling Green. She told me about them and the next weekend I saw them for the first time in Detroit, and of course, I was hooked. I love all kinds of music--lot's of "hippie" stuff (Grateful Dead, Phish, etc), and I often go out to see the local bands in Cleveland and in Toledo and BG when I was in college. Some cool bands in Cleveland are Third Wish, Sultans of Bing, and Orbiter (aka The Big Bang). I graduated from Bowling Green in 1998, and then spent a year as an AmeriCorp*VISTA in San Jose, CA, which was a very, um...interesting experience. If anyone's ever tried to live in the SF Bay area on less than $800/month, and find a roommate when you know absolutely no one in the adventure! But now I'm back in Cleveland.

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