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Viewing User: Justin LoRusso

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Basic Information

Justin LoRusso
Username: mrchewy
First Visit: Apr 5, 2000
Location:Andover, Massachusetts
About You:I picked up on fruvous odly enough on my least favorite type of show, the talk show. I was suffering from insomnia when i flipped to the Conna O'Brian show and saw them playing Splater Spaltter so i picked up one of the cd's and became hooked I am a junior in high school In the wretched hive of vilany known as Andover. I am hoping to go to college for an animation major or computer sciences so i can work on either anime or video games (YAY FOR COUCH POTATOES). I also enjoy long walks on the beach and candlelite dinners TEEHEE ^_^

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