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Viewing User: Mandachuva DeSquid

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Basic Information

Mandachuva DeSquid
Username: mandachuva
First Visit: Aug 24, 2000
Last Visit: Tue, May 14, 2002, 7:01pm
Location:Bakersfield, California
About You:Hey there, 17 year old male Fruvous fan here (I'm a lone Fruhead, there's no others in my community), I'm a senior at the local high school (VIKINGS! YEAH) I'm a theatre buff and improv artist, wih no real talent. I write a lot, mostly for my website but due to a recent crash all my files were lost so I have to peice the whole site together from memory. Hard luck, eh? I'm in a band, not to say a very good one, but we're The Snails, and we have a few origional songs out, although we've never performed anywhere, and we have no drummer or good vocal talent. Well, that's all I have to say for now.

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