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Viewing User: Eric Weiss

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Basic Information

Eric Weiss
Username: ebone
First Visit: Mar 1, 2004
Last Visit: Mon, Apr 5, 2004, 3:34am
About You:Interesting stuff about myself... hmmm... I'm a twenty something computer programmer living in the Bay Area whose interests include good music, baseball, puppies and typical computer-geekish stuff. I'm here because first I just wanted to see if there's anything I don't know about Fruvous possibly coming back some day and then because I realized that everyone I've met who likes them has been awesome so I stand a good chance of hearing from some truly excellent people. Been into Fruvous since my brother introduced me to King of Spain during high school. Luckily took every opporunity to see them around the Philly area before going off to college in 98'. Fruvous was a scarcity in Southern California, sadly, but it wasn't long before a bunch of my friends were hooked. We missed our one chance to see them during college though and didn't realize it might be the last chance :-(. Either way, Fruvous rounds out my other musical interets of pregressive rock (Rush, Dream Theater, etc) and awesome but unrelated folks like Shudder to Think and Tori Amos. Ah well, can't say I'm consistent musically, but that's okay.

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