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Viewing User: bridget

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Basic Information

Username: bridget
First Visit: Aug 10, 1999
Last Visit: Sun, Oct 1, 2006, 11:54am
Location:Denver, Colorado
About You:Hi! I'm Bridget... I'm 28 years old and I live in Denver, Colorado. I am currently working for a stock broker firm doing payroll and miscellaneous accounting stuff, but I haven't really decided yet what I want to do when i grow up. I first heard Moxy Fr�vous in July of 1998, and have been hooked ever since... (o: A well-traveled fruhead, I've seen the lads perform in Denver (CO), Boulder (CO), Carbondale (CO), Ithaca (NY), Clinton (NY), Toronto (ON), Ann Arbor (MI), Detroit (MI), Chicago (IL), Milwaukee (WI), Minneapolis (MN) and Buffalo (NY). Other musical interests include: Eddie From Ohio, Great Big Sea, Johny Vegas, Paperboys, Guster, Acoustic Junction, The Nields, Barenaked Ladies, They Might Be Giants, Arrogant Worms, Christine Lavin, High Water Limit, Hennessey, Hotel Faux Pas, Angry Salad, My Friend Steve, Pat McGee Band, Vertical Horizon... oh, lots of stuff! I also enjoy playing volleyball and softball, skiing, camping, reading, laying by the pool, and meeting other Fr�heads... (o;

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