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Viewing User: Andrew Beck

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Basic Information

Andrew Beck
Username: beckja
First Visit: Jan 3, 2000
Location:Cincinnati, Ohio
About You:I've been listening to and MF since Bargainville first came out. A friend asked if I wanted to go see a band play when their tour brought them to the Cincinnati area. They were supposed to be at Bogart's, however Big Audio Dynamite got the venue and MF ended up across the river in N. Ky at a little place called Quigley's Down Under. What a Terrific show! I picked up Bargainville afterwards and met the guys. Since then I've seen them in Dayton and Columbus, Ohio, as well as the five or six times they've graced Cincinnati with their presence and music, the best one being at Bogart's when I went backstage after the show and hung out with Dave, chatted while drinking brew. I recently travelled to Toronto and saw them perform at Lee's Palace, another excellent show. They're always friendly and their shows are always a great time!

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