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Viewing User: Meg

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Basic Information

Username: Zephryllis
First Visit: Jan 7, 2003
Last Visit: Tue, Jan 14, 2003, 9:52pm
Location:Edina, Minnesota
About You:Well being one of the younger Fruvous listeners (I'm an Oct 1984 baby), I began listening to them after a conversation this fall with the lighting designer for my school's theater department about our mutual love of They Might Be Giants, she suggested that I give Fruvous a try and I love 'em! My friends think I'm crazy for listening to "weird music" but they just don't appreciate their art. Okay, that sounded dumb. Oh well. Oh, cool story about my English teacher (also a great friend). He and his wife (also an English teacher/librarian) heard "My Baby Loves a Bunch of Authors" for the first time on Minnesota Public Radio on their wedding day. Their mutual friend who likes Fruvous thought that they'd love it and it turns out that it was also their first dance at their reception!

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