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Viewing User: Rachel Yudell

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Rachel Yudell
Username: Rach
First Visit: Oct 23, 2000
Last Visit: Tue, Sep 4, 2001, 10:45am
About You:Erm...stuff about me...I'm a graduate student (read: stressed out, broke and tired). I got into fruvous by way of my friend Ely (of the infamous Mike'n'Ely pairing), while riding in my friend/her boyfriend's (now that?) car on our way home from a camping trip to the Allegheny national Forest. She saw fit to take the opportunity of the 3 hour car ride to PERMANENTLY embed Fruvous in my conciousness. The year was 1994 and I was a confused junior at Pitt. Well, Fruvous certainly did nothing to clarify my life career direction-wise, but these 4 guys have certainly made the past 6 years alot more fun musically:)

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