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Viewing User: Flyrr Tarynn McDohl

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Basic Information

Flyrr Tarynn McDohl
Username: Linxan
First Visit: Feb 19, 2004
Last Visit: Sun, Mar 27, 2005, 11:57am
About You:Born on day five of the year 1985, I'm currently feeling too lazy to write much, but also somehow obligated to write something... I am a(n): ~Artist (drawing, mostly) ~Singer ~Poet (on and off) ~Thespian ~Runner (Hey, yo, Cross-Country! I wish I were still in high school so I could go run with people again... I haven't run much since my senior year and methinks I'm a little out of shape :P) ~Trekkie (born and raised) ~Anime Fan ~Any of a number of other things that don't come to mind right now. I got into Fruvous via my brother, who just happened to bring home a MF cd (Bargainville, I think) and pop it into the player. Unfortunately, when my brother moved out, he took all his MF cds with him, and so I've not heard anything Fruvous anywhere but in my head for some years now. :'( Ah, well; such is life, no? In closing: Uuhh... Read MegaTokyo! ( It is truly awesome (or L337, as Largo would put it).

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