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Viewing User: ~Kim~

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Basic Information

Username: KidEgo
First Visit: Aug 11, 1999
Last Visit: Wed, Oct 15, 2008, 6:38pm
Location:Syracuse, New York
About You:Ok time for a profile update! My name is Kim and I'm from Syracuse (in case ya didn't catch on). I'm 35 and I work as a customer service rep at Verizon. To date, I've been to 34 Fr�vous shows. You can usually find me stage Mike. Other music for me includes the very awesome Russell Wolff, Ashley Cox, Christina Abbott, Susan Werner, The Beatles, Jim Croce...... I could go on forever. (but I won't) I've met so many great friends in the past 5 years and I really do thank Fr�vous 10 fold for that. Anything else ya wanna know? Just ask! toodles! **UPDATE** Wow-I haven't been here in ages... well a lot has changed.. .I "retired" from Verizon after 11 years and moved to Tampa, FL. 2 reasons I moved to FL-to be near all my family and I got my dream job! I am working for Disney as an Itinerary Planner and I love it! I miss the days of travelling around to Fruvous shows and definitely miss the friends I gained while doing that!


Disco MikeKimberly & Staceyme and Andy-Frucon4me and Maureen
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