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Viewing User: Rob Balder

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Basic Information

Rob Balder
Username: Balder
First Visit: Aug 19, 1999
Last Visit: Mon, Nov 3, 2014, 8:05pm
Location:Richmond, VA
About You:I dropped by out of nostalgia. Today (June 2, 2014) the King of Spain abdicated, and it put me on a Früvous kick. These days I write a webcomic called Erfworld. I miss the lads. The complete lyrics to "Moo Time," the parody of "Boo Time" that I performed at FrüCon IV with Frülie and Edelstein. Here they are: MOO TIME Moo. Moo. Moooooo. Moooooo. MOOOO OOO! Moo. I hear a moo cow. I hear a moo cow. I hear a moo cow, We're grazin' now. Farmer Brown poundin' down a Lowenbraü, And everybody knows what time it is. (Time it is...) It's Moo Time. It's Moo Time. When every bovine bats her eyes, Flicks her fanny to fend off flies, Pastoral pastures, pasteurized, Half 'n half's homogenized, It's Moo Time! It's Moo Time! Cause every mammal lets it loose, Produces pap for her papoose, The moose, the mongoose, the masseuse, Induce the use of their moo-juice! Somethin' that you carry Home from the local dairy, Completely ordinary, With orange juice, eggs and bread I said! Moodelee moo, moo-moo-moo- moo. Moodelee Moo! Moo! Moo! Moo! Moo! Moo! Moo-moo- moo-moo-moo. Moodelee moo, moodelee moo, moodelee moodelee moo. Moo, moo-moo-mooo, moo-moo-mooo! Tutti-fruity! (Tutti-fruity) Sticky treat! (Sticky treat) I. Scream! (You. Scream) I scream! (You scream) I scream! (You scream) Hey! Chip Ahoy, Chip Ahoy! *audience repeat* Klondike Bar! *audience repeat* Put on the tea pot! *audience repeat* Wipe off the cream clot! *audience repeat* Give the man a chip for the cheesy dip. Give the man a chip for the cheesy dip. Give the man a chip for the cheesy dip. Give the man a chip for the cheesy dip! Hey! Somethin' that you carry, Home from the local dairy. The parody is scary. Cause it came from my head, I said! It's not forbidden to be "half 'n half!" Don't decaffeinate your fatted calf! It's Moo Time! It's MOOOOoo Time! I said it's Moo Time! Ohhhhhh... Moodelee MOO! Moodelee MOO! Moodelee moo-moo-moo! IT'S MOO! IT'S MOO! IT'S MOO! *collapse* [ALTERNATE ENDING (NOT PERFORMED):] Moodelee MOO! Moodelee MOO! Moodelee moo-moo-moo! IT'S MOO! IT'S MOO! IT'S... I like to keep it in the refrigerator. *****************

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