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Viewing User: Deanna

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Basic Information

Username: Alexina
First Visit: Jun 5, 2003
Last Visit: Wed, Feb 2, 2005, 3:29am
Location:Seattle, Washington
About You:I'm in library school right now, with plans to become a Young Adult Librarian. Interests: Reading (in just about any genre but lately seem to find myself reading a lot of literary fiction set in 19th C. England). I love LOTR and Stephen King - especially the Dark Tower Series. Music - just about anything except for Rap and Country. My favorites are Depeche Mode, The Beatles, Toad the Wet Sprocket and Dido, to name a few. Am now a big fan of Da Vinci's Notebook thanks to Jaci! T.V. - Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Survivor (my guilty pleasure), The Simpsons, Futurama, CSI, Six Feet Under (I have only seen the first season thanks to DVD and can't wait for the second season to come out), South Park, and my favorite Britcom: Red Dwarf (thanks to PBS).



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