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Poll: What is your favorite Hayao Miyazaki movie?

Nausica� of the Valley of Wind 3 (5%)
Laputa: The Castle in the Sky 0 (0%)
My Neighbor Totoro 3 (5%)
Kiki's Delivery Service 3 (5%)
Porco Rosso 0 (0%)
Princess Mononoke 9 (16%)
Spirited Away 14 (24%)
Howl's Moving Castle 0 (0%)
Huh? 26 (45%)
   Discussion: What is your favorite Hayao Miyazaki movie?
Rimbo · 19 years, 1 month ago
Y'know, I've never really been into Japanese Animation, but when I first watched Spirited Away, I was amazed at the story, and depth of characters, and creativity behind it.
lawrence · 19 years, 1 month ago
I know these movies exist, I just haven't seen any of them, and hence do not have a favourite.
Andrea Krause · 19 years, 1 month ago
Now I have the Totoro song in my head.

I also love Kiki's Delivery Service (I was just talking about these two yesterday with work peeps, weird). But Totoro is so awww. Only other one I've seen was Princess Mononoke...liked it OK, I guess.

I need to see the rest.
goovie is married! Back · 19 years, 1 month ago
i'm waiting for the special edition totoro so i won't have to listen to dakota and elle fanning every time i want to watch it. :)

i voted for princess mononoke because it was the first miyazaki movie i saw. but i also loved spirited away, and i liked howl a lot, too. i have yet to see the others but i know at least kiki is in my netflix queue.
Kat Kunz Back · 19 years ago
I've only ever seen Kiki's Delivery Service, so that got my vote.

Also, I was really confused by yours and Lawrence's responses because the avatars made me think they were made by the same person. heh.
Andrea Krause Back · 19 years ago
Doktor Pepski, kommie · 19 years, 1 month ago
I've only seen princess mononoke out of the list...was a tad out there...sort of want to see Howl's moving castle...
Geoff · 19 years, 1 month ago
Lily and I watched Totoro on Cartoon Network this weekend, and the scene where she gives Totoro the umbrella never fails to crack me up.

That being said, Kiki's Delivery Service to me is far and away the best. I don't really know why I love it so. Even the dub is good (RIP Phil Hartman). If you haven't seen this flick, go rent it now.
Geoff Back · 19 years, 1 month ago
Also, I haven't seen Howl's Moving Castle yet, but I have a burned copy in my bag...should be able to watch it this weekend.
dave "buh" · 19 years ago
Haven't seen "Howl" yet. Hard to choose between Spirited Away and Totoro. (I chose Spirited Away. The beginning is so spooky! But gotta love the Catbus.) I love how his films incorporate some types of technology, engines and trains and airplanes... combining elaborate machines with simpler times. All of his movies have some trains and some flying! Another movie produced by, but not written by, Miyazaki that I would recommend was "Only Yesterday". A much more adult-oriented story than some of his others.
Matt P · 19 years ago
It hard to choose between Princess Mononoke and
Howl's Moving Castle. I really like Spirited Away, but i've seen it too many times to really still like it. Just bought Howl's the other day, and it's amazing. I need to see totoro.
Rachel Marie aka RAI · 19 years ago
They were ALL weird. But the animation r0x0red so... that doesn't make them less weird. I liked Spirited Away the best though, because it was the weirdest.
Rimbo · 19 years ago
I rented Howl's Moving Castle today, so I'll watch it tonight on my friend's High-def 78-inch-Screen TV tonight, and get back to you.

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