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Falcon Ridge 2006 Schedule is out!!! |
Falcon Ridge 2006 Schedule is out!!!
John J. Ryan
· 18 years, 9 months ago
Get your highlighters ready!
goovie is married!
· 18 years, 9 months ago
am i going crazy, or is eric actually playing the family stage on sunday?? someone better videotape that or something.
all in all, it looks like a pretty fun year, but i'm not going to be *too* sad about missing it this year. i hope.
"There's a bomb under the bed,
and it goes off when it gets wet, pleasant dreams, little girl, pleasant dreams...."
I'm going back and forth with whether to tape or not. It is a BIG project.
Gordondon son of Ethelred
· 18 years, 9 months ago
I need one switch confirmed but this is what it looks like
Thursday - Eric Schwartz, Phil Henry Friday - disappear fear, Russell Wolff Saturday Christine Lavin, Iain Campbell Smith, Red Molly, and We're About 9 Lots of other people still need to be worked out.
Note that WA9 has been moved to Saturday night and Phil Henry has been added to Thursday
This just in. Jim Infantino will probably play Thursday Night. Friday is also a possibility.
I'm guessing no time for jamming on any night except Wednesday.
I'm afraid you'd pretty much be the only one jammin' Last year we had all of three people. None of them are going to be there this year.
Yikes! In the immortal words of Fred Willard, "Hey, what happened?"
I remember the days that we had 10-20 up there singing-along. I'm still bringing my guitar and books, but I don't think I'll be taking them upstairs at all this year.
Okay, there were no sing-alongs at the Budgiedome.
But there was plenty of jamming at Lower Camp Fruvous! The Lower Ledge area lent itself to jamming since it wasn't All-Night Music, but it wasn't quiet camping either. Thursday and Friday night there was music happening there (Saturday everyone either went to the Budgiedome or was too tired to do any playing). Also, Lower Camp was right next to Camp Bubblehead, a group of very friendly Deadheads who had their own very open jam, and even allowed Bill to get the rest to jam on "If I Had $1000000" and "Birdhouse In Your Soul"! Very unexpected and very awesome. Not to mention the fact that Lower Camp is right next door to Camp Dar, with their own song circle. So for 2007, the Budgiedome probably still won't have jamming, but Lower Camp will now be where it's at for that!
Except that they should've left a note on Friday night telling people that they'd gone to Camp Bubblehead, b/c when those who came down for the sole purpose of jamming (ie me) found Lower Camp Fruvous deserted, they went back upstairs with the false impression that everyone downstairs had gone to sleep!
Dammit! I feel like crap now unknowingly abandoning you guys!!! Well, 2006 was a year where many things were up in the air due to the new site. I guarantee 2007 will be more set in stone.
I'm guessing a group of people came down from the dome together expecting a jam to be taking place at camp Edhead? DAMMIT!!!!! * bangs head *
Nope, I came down with Nate and Pam (?) when they returned.
There actually were a couple of people there, whom I'd never met before, but they didn't know anything about any jam, and actually informed me that people had gone to sleep.
Yeah, sorry about that, again, Melissa. We were jamming for a while at Lower Camp on Friday Night. Then I wandered across the road (to the Bubble Head camp) to see what was happening there and all of the sudden I was involved in the jam there. If they didn't have the camper there blocking things, you'd have seen it.
me? ditch camp? i practically lived in the camp...ish... although i might make it a point to actually spend time to actually catch a few artists or i might designate myself camp cook and cook for y'all.
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