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Barbershop Int'l Results
For those of you FHDCers who are interested, here are the results of the finals from Montreal in the quartet contest: 1 | Power Play | 2 | Gotcha! | 3 | Metropolis | 4 | Uptown Sound | 5 | Riptide | 6 | Cheers! | 7 | Excalibur | 8 | Flipside | 9 | Wheelhouse | 10 | Saturday Evening Post |
FHDC fav Metropolis actually was in 1st after the 1st round, but Power Play was the most consistant in scores, and were the sentimental favorites having competed at the Int'l level for 14 years. Wheelhouse, from my district, is my district's best quartet in almost 20 years, and they are brand new.
· 21 years, 10 months ago
yay metropolis!!!
1. Gotcha! 2. Max Q 3. Riptide 4. Metropolis 5. Saturday Evening Post 6. Flipside 7. RealTime 8. Wheelhouse 9. MatriX 10. Three Men and a Melody
· 20 years, 9 months ago
they went down in the roster??? down???
how can that be?
oh my dears, next year. next year will be your year....
*sniff* *sniff*
at least they placed though! YAY metropolis!!!
by the by.� realtime is 3 parts of Counterpoint, one part Australian Championship Lead.� counterpoint's lead (mark) moved back to baritone (where he belongs (: ), tom is still singing bass, tim broersma is still singing tenor, and this really good lead is now singing lead.� they were SO SMOOTH it was unreal.� smooth and clean.� they could be bringing gold back to evergreen district in a few years and will likely bypass flipside in a year or two. so go Evergreen, and go canadia!� (they'll be competing in the district contest this year in SURREY, y0e) �-= george =-
the dates are hurting my head, does this mean I can make some serius doe betting on power play? If it does, I will call my bookie!
Metropolis......hoy...What bliss.
· 20 years, 9 months ago
there are no pictures in the photo albums yet???
HOW am i supposed to swoon over metropolis if i don't have new pictures?
this is just terrible.
· 20 years, 9 months ago
umm... no really... does anyone know where the pictures for this years event are?
i'm at Fotki.... but a bunch of the folders are empty.
Yay Max Q didn't win! Down with da man :)
Yay Gotcha! and Jim Kline, it is about time.
· 20 years, 9 months ago
what's wrong with Max Q?
i don't know anything about them.
Max Q is the equivalent of the NY Yankees in barbershop.� Take two two-time gold medal winners on lead and bass, another gold medalist, and Jim Clancy's son, and youv'e got Max Q. That's why Gotcha!'s win is that much more sweet.� Sheer determination and commitment win over just throwing together raw talent together to easily take another gold medal.
· 20 years, 9 months ago
ahh gotcha.
so like... platinum.. ;)
nah, i shouldn't say that. i love my platinum boys. they sound so pretty.... MMMMM.
Half of Platinum is Max Q.....Tony and Gary. They were.......loud, that was about it :) ya they can sing. Tony wasn't very consistent....Greg Clancy a little whiny on the tenor.
· 20 years, 9 months ago
oh dear. i wasn't expecting that. gee. how many gold's does tony actually want?
okay. NOW i get what you mean.
*sigh* Tony can be consistent. when he wants to be...
that's what they get for making a quartet of ringers :p
considering platinum was supposed to be a permanent quartet until joe got sick... tony's voice was -shot-.� i think he was sick or something because he was cracking and squeaking every 5th note he sang. if they were looking for the "uber quartet" then they would have picked another tenor i'd wager.� last i heard, they're together because they want to last for a long time.� which is good, because if their first CD is any indicator of what they're capable of, i want MORE. :D i would have liked to see max q do better considering the talent they bring to the table (gary is a bleedin' ANIMAL at baritone!!) but it was SO nice to see gotcha take it home.� fresh meat in the AIC!!! �-= george =-
· 20 years, 9 months ago
joe got sick?
what happened?
hee... okay... george, when i get back, your first job is.. well, to give me a great big hug. your second job is to play me some max q
a done deal on both counts. :D �-= george =-
gotcha kicked some -serious- ass.� they were ... like ... awesome.� clean singing, nothing sounded like they were pushing too hard ... and Dr. Jim was the happiest i've ever seen a man at winning a contest. :D� it's about bloody time for him, too!� he's certainly worked hard enough at it. �-= george =-
· 20 years, 9 months ago
so um, just browsing pics from the convention...
sooooo.... george, what're the chances that OC Times will be making a guest appearance at an Evergreen event anytime in the near future?
they appear to be legal
HAHAAHAHAHAH that's what -everyone- was saying about them in the chat room during the webcast. i don't think they'll be up here anytime soon, unfortunately. you could always invite them over for a house party. (: �-= george =-
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