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Viewing User: Cheryl Pacitti

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Basic Information

Cheryl Pacitti
Username: sunshine
First Visit: Sep 12, 1999
Last Visit: Mon, Dec 2, 2002, 2:16am
Location:Voorhees, New Jersey
About You:Well...I just recently discovered Moxy Fruvous at the Philly Folk Fest this past August, and I was hooked immediately. I thought they were amazing, and not just one of the mainstream shitty bands that are clogging our radio stations. They were so unique, and that's why I went out and bought every CD I could find! Other bands I like? Hmmm...I'd have to say Dar Williams, Eddie from Ohio, the Beatles, The Smiths, Joan Jones(I recommed checking her out!!!),Radiohead, and i'm sure a bunch of other stuff too that I don't feel like remembering right now.


me, me, me!!!This is me at the ripe age of 2...I happened to be an avid smoker!Here is me being a happy little folk fester!!!This is me with my SEXY boyfriend...kidding of course, it's my scary, scary boss
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