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Viewing User: Mars

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Basic Information

Username: marissala
First Visit: Feb 22, 2004
Last Visit: Sun, Feb 22, 2004, 5:36pm
Location:Barrie, Ontario
About You:I have no idea what to write in these things. Personally, I hate them. But I might as well try. I got into Moxy Fruvous when a friend I met in my 9th grade English class dragged me kicking and screaming to her house, where she promptly tied me down and forced me to listen to her music and watch her dance. At the time, I had a TERRIBLE taste in music. It makes me shudder just thinking about it *shudders*. But she truned me around (thank god). I was then introduced to the Eels, Hawksley Workman, Bright Eyes, and, my favorite, Moxy. That, children, is the story of how I was introduced to Moxy (which, hopefully, you had figured out by now), and the beginning of a ginormous, almost teeny-bopper crush (no I do not care to elaborate). And now I shall shut up, before I begin to ramble.

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