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Viewing User: David Kralik

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Basic Information

David Kralik
Username: kralik
First Visit: Sep 29, 1999
Last Visit: Fri, Aug 29, 2003, 3:02pm
Location:Chicago, Illinois
About You:When I tried to go to see my first fruvous show in St. Louis, I tried to use a fake ID (I know, shame on me), and I was not allowed admittance. The show was at Cicero's basement bar in St. Louis, and as I sat dejected at the top of the stairs, the fru-four came over to comfort me. After hearing my situation, Jian went down to argue my case with the bouncer, but he was having none of it. I was able to get the guys to sell me a copy of Wood (unavailable in the US at the time) and they all signed it for me. Eventually the show started, and I sat at the top of the stairs listening. Eventually I worked my way down the stairs, and the bouncer agreed to let me in after losing a staring contest to me. I have seen Fruvous at least six times since then, and I helped to bring them to Washington University a few springs ago.

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