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Viewing User: Laura Hubbard

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Basic Information

Laura Hubbard
Username: hubbarl
First Visit: Feb 10, 2000
Last Visit: Wed, Sep 13, 2000, 11:28am
About You:hey, everyone! i'm a resident director at a college, but amazingly enough, one of my likes is not college students (jk). i got into fruvous as a junior in college. i joined an a cappella group and one of the songs that we performed was "king of spain". from that point on, i was hooked. i've seen them in concert twice so far...i hope that number increases. i live near canada, so i'm sure it will. another one of my all time favorite artists is sting, but i've only seen him in concert once. :) i love moxy fruvous because their fun, they blend so well together, and they enjoy a cappella, just like me!

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