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Viewing User: Carolyn Wember

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Basic Information

Carolyn Wember
Username: Annie600
First Visit: Aug 11, 1999
Last Visit: Wed, May 30, 2007, 1:10pm
Location:New York City, New York
About You:I've been following Fruvous since hearing them for the first time at Clearwater '99. They opened with River Valley, which is still one of my favorites, and I was instantly captivated. I've been a folk music fan since my early teens (long, long ago). My first love was Joni Mitchell, and I've been pleased to see acoustic music gaining popularity again in recent years. Since discovering Fruvous, though, I've gotten excited about music all over again. My daughter, Athena, who now loves Fruvous almost as much as I do, just attended her fourth Frushow at the Bottom Line. Mike and Dave both greet her by name now and she loves that too!

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